The Official Steiff Schulte
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Special Glass Eyes w/ Pig Tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear makers did not crimp but instead used an awl to enlarge the weave of the backing to accommodate the pig tail. Care should be taken to seat the eye in the fabric securely; this assures that the eye covers the hole in the backing.

Amethyst round pupil pig tail

Amethyst round pupil pig tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear...
Blue Green round pupil pig tail

Blue Green round pupil pig tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear...
Dark amethyst round pupil pig tail

Dark amethyst round pupil pig tail

These are very dark, you may need white felt behind them to show the color. Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes...
Dark Blue round pupil pig tail

Dark Blue round pupil pig tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear...
Green round pupil pig tail

Green round pupil pig tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear...
Lavender round pupil pig tail

Lavender round pupil pig tail

Old style pig tail loop is still useful particularly in the larger sizes such as this. The eye loop is very hard to crimp and, in the past, bear...
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